Thursday, February 16, 2012

5 Strategies for Rapid eLearning Development - Strategy #1 Don't Build Courses - Design Programs

I live in what is called a "master planned community" meaning a team designed our community architecture, layout, streets, parks and amenities...down to the last detail. We all have very similar houses, mailboxes, fencing, and color scheme. ...
As eLearning professionals we want the same thing. A high quality product, built on time that meets the need of our learners and budget.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Rapid Intake's New Community

NEW Website
The Rapid Intake website has undergone some changes recently.  Next time you visit our website, you will notice an attractive new interface, faster navigation, simplified menus and tabs, and a new community.  We have also moved our blog to the new community, so look for new updates there!

NEW Community
Our new community offers easy access to:  
  • Groups and forums to communicate and interact with other members of the community and Rapid Intake professionals
  • Video tutorials
  • Our support blog
  • Self-paced training materials
  • Our Marketplace
  • Live chat support and email
  • and more!

Becoming a Member
Although becoming a member of the community is not necessary to access the videos, blog, training materials, or market place, creating an account will give you access to even more resources.  Signing up for an account is free and allows you to post to the forum and join groups.  

Friday, January 13, 2012

How to Delete a Project

You must have an account level of "Administrator" to be able to delete projects. Here are the steps to deleting a project:
  1. After logging into the authoring tool, you will click on the "Admin" tab.
  2. Look for the heading "Projects" and click on the link "View/Update Projects."
  3. You will see a list of all your projects. Locate the name of the project you want to delete. Click on the "delete project" link to the left of the project name.
  4. You will see a pop-up box that asks if you are sure you want to delete the project. Click "OK."
Warning: Deleting projects cannot be undone. If you delete a project you will not be able to revert to previously saved backups. The project will be unrecoverable.
An alternative to deleting a project would be to archive it. Read this blog post to learn more about how to archive projects.